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Complementary and Integrative Medicine Treatments for Bartonella Infection

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Complementary and Integrative Medicine Treatments for Bartonella Infection

Bartonella infections impact people around the globe, causing several diseases in humans. The most common of these is frequently known as "Cat Scratch Disease" and is caused by the bacteria Bartonella henselae. It is estimated that up to 40% of cats carry the bacteria B. henselae at some point, putting a significant portion of the human population at risk.

With almost 20 different species of Bartonella bacteria known to cause many symptoms, accurately diagnosing and treating this elusive infection can be challenging. The complexity of Bartonella and its diverse symptoms make it a prime candidate for a functional medicine approach. Functional medicine focuses on uncovering the root cause of illness and providing individualized treatment tailored to each patient's unique needs. As such, it offers a promising alternative to conventional methods for addressing Bartonella infections.


What is Bartonella Bacteria?

Bartonella bacteria are a group of gram-negative bacteria that can infect humans and animals. These bacteria are transmitted through various vectors, including fleas, ticks, lice, and even mosquitoes. Bartonella infections can cause a wide range of symptoms and are often challenging to diagnose due to their stealthy nature and the myriad of clinical manifestations. Some species are more commonly associated with human infections, such as Bartonella henselae, Bartonella quintana, and Bartonella bacilliformis.

Can You Get Bartonella From Cats?

Cats, especially kittens, are well-known carriers of Bartonella henselae, the bacteria responsible for Cat Scratch Disease. Transmission to humans usually occurs through a bite or scratch from an infected cat. However, not all Bartonella infections result from contact with cats. Other animals, such as dogs, can also carry the bacteria, and various vectors like ticks and fleas can transmit the infection.

Bartonella Symptoms

Bartonella infection can cause a wide range of symptoms, including (7,8) :

  • Fever
  • Fatigue
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Muscle and joint pain
  • Headaches
  • Skin rash or lesions

Bartonella can lead to complications such as endocarditis, neurologic disorders, and eye infections in more severe cases.

What Causes Bartonella Infection?

The primary cause of Bartonella infection is exposure to infected vectors or animals. These vectors can include fleas, ticks, lice, and biting flies, while common animal reservoirs are cats, dogs, and rodents. Additionally, some studies suggest that lifestyle factors like spending time in wooded areas, owning pets, or having a lowered immune system can all increase the risk of infection (6,9).

Functional Medicine Labs to Test for Root Cause of Bartonella Infection

The following labs are beneficial for correctly identifying Bartonella infections:

Bartonella FISH Test

The Bartonella FISH test is a specialized method used to detect the presence of Bartonella bacteria in a blood sample. This test focuses on identifying the unique ribosomal RNA found in Bartonella bacteria, making it more accurate and specific than traditional tests like gram staining. If the FISH test returns positive, it means that Bartonella bacteria, such as B. berkhoffii, B. henselae, B. elizabethae, B. quintana, or B. vinsonii, are present in the blood sample.

Bartonella IGXSpot Test

The Bartonella IgXSpot test is a specialized immune system test that identifies if a person's T cells, a white blood cell, react to Bartonella bacteria. This test can detect T cell responses early in the infection, even before antibodies can be found, or later when antibody levels are very low. The IgXSpot test uses ELISpot, commonly used to monitor how the immune system reacts to specific bacteria or viruses.

Comprehensive Tick-Borne Disease Panel

The Tick-borne Complete 2.0 panel is designed to test for a variety of tick-borne diseases, including Bartonella, to identify the root cause of a patient's symptoms accurately. Since tick-borne diseases like Lyme disease or Babesia often occur alongside Bartonella, functional medicine practitioners utilize this comprehensive panel to ensure that all co-infections are accurately detected and appropriately treated.

Additional Labs to Check

Sometimes, a patient's symptoms may not be attributed solely to Bartonella infection or exacerbated by other underlying health issues. To provide the most effective and comprehensive treatment plan, functional medicine practitioners often investigate other factors that could contribute to a patient's symptoms or overall health.

Comprehensive Stool Testing

The gastrointestinal system is vital in maintaining immune function, nutrient absorption, and overall health. An imbalance in the gut microbiome, inflammation, or digestive function can contribute to a weakened immune system and affect the body's ability to fight infections like Bartonella. Tests like the GI-MAP can help evaluate the gastrointestinal environment, allowing practitioners to assess potential factors related to Bartonella infection and develop a targeted treatment plan.

Liver Function

The liver detoxifies the body, processes nutrients, and regulates metabolism. More specifically, it produces immune factors the body uses to reduce infections. Poor liver function can lead to a variety of symptoms, such as fatigue, digestive issues, and skin problems. Assessing liver function through the Hepatic Function Panel can help identify any underlying issues that may be affecting a patient's overall health and immunity, hindering their recovery from Bartonella infection.

Micronutrient Levels

Micronutrients, like vitamins and minerals, are essential for maintaining optimal health and supporting various body functions, including immune response and cellular repair. Deficiencies in crucial micronutrients weaken the immune system, making it tough for the body to fight off infections like Bartonella. By testing for micronutrient deficiencies using tests like the Micronutrients Panel, practitioners can identify any gaps in the patient's nutrition and recommend targeted supplementation to help support their recovery and overall health.


Conventional Treatment for Bartonella

Conventional treatment for Bartonella often includes antibiotics, such as azithromycin or doxycycline, to target the bacteria if the infection does not resolve on its own.

Functional Medicine Treatment for Bartonella

Functional Medicine practitioners recommend the following treatments to resolve Bartonella infections holistically:

Support the Immune System

Ensuring a robust immune response is crucial in fighting off Bartonella infection. A practitioner may recommend a diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals to bolster immune function. A well-functioning immune system can recognize and destroy harmful pathogens like bacteria and viruses, protecting the body from infection. By consuming foods rich in immune-boosting nutrients, the body can generate a more robust defense against infections like Bartonella. This helps the body eliminate the infection more effectively and reduces the likelihood of complications or chronic symptoms.

Reduce Inflammation

Chronic inflammation can exacerbate symptoms and hinder recovery. A practitioner may recommend a low-inflammatory diet, such as the Mediterranean diet, to help reduce inflammation. Inflammation is the body's natural response to infection, injury, or stress. However, chronic inflammation can damage healthy tissue and diminish the immune system, making it harder for the body to fight infections like Bartonella. By adopting a low-inflammatory diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats, patients can help reduce inflammation and support their body's natural healing process, leading to faster recovery and improved symptom management.

Target Biofilms

Some strains of Bartonella can form biofilms, which protect the bacteria from antibiotics and the immune system. Biofilms are complex structures formed by bacteria that can adhere to surfaces, including tissues within the body. They can hinder treatment by preventing antibiotics from reaching the bacteria and protecting them from the immune system's attacks. By using enzymes or supplements to break down these biofilms, patients can expose the bacteria to antibiotics and the immune system, making it easier for the body to eliminate the infection and promote faster recovery.

Address Co-Infections

Tick-borne diseases often occur alongside Bartonella, such as Lyme disease or Babesia. Co-infections can complicate the treatment process and make it challenging for the immune system to fight off the primary infection. Practitioners can help patients achieve a more comprehensive recovery by addressing and treating all co-infections. This approach allows the immune system to focus on eliminating Bartonella infection without being overwhelmed by multiple pathogens, resulting in more effective treatment and a lower likelihood of chronic symptoms or complications.

Nutrition for Bartonella Treatment

The Mediterranean diet (MD) is a highly recommended eating plan for individuals undergoing Bartonella treatment. Known for its anti-inflammatory properties and immune-boosting effects, this diet centers around plant-based foods, lean proteins, healthy fats, fruits, and vegetables. These ingredients provide essential nutrients, antioxidants, and other beneficial compounds that promote overall health and help the body recover more effectively.

Research has shown that this diet positively impacts the gut microbiota, immune system, and intestinal barrier, which are crucial factors in disease prevention and maintaining good health. By including a variety of nutrient-dense foods such as whole grains, legumes, fruits, vegetables, olive oil, and nuts, the MD supplies prebiotic fiber, anti-inflammatory fatty acids, and antioxidative polyphenols. These elements work together to create a balanced environment within the body, strengthening the immune system and promoting optimal gut health.

A healthy immune system requires various vitamins and minerals to function effectively. Some of the most important ones include vitamins A, C, D, E, B6, and B12, as well as folate, zinc, iron, copper, and selenium. These micronutrients work together to maintain strong physical barriers and support immune cells. The daily intake needed for a healthy immune system might be higher than the standard recommended dietary allowances, and inadequate micronutrient intake can weaken immunity, making you more susceptible to infections.

Supplements and Herbs for Treatment of Bartonella

An anti-inflammatory diet is the foundation for the treatment of Bartonella. However, the following supplements may help aid recovery.

N-acetylcysteine (NAC) for Treatment of Bartonella

N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is a supplement derived from the amino acid L-cysteine, which is a building block of proteins in the body. As a powerful antioxidant, NAC helps protect the body's cells from harm caused by free radicals, which are damaging molecules that can contribute to inflammation and disease. NAC can also assist in healthy liver detoxification. In the context of Bartonella treatment, NAC supports immune function by enhancing the body's natural defenses against the bacteria. Furthermore, NAC helps break down biofilm, a protective layer formed by bacteria that can make it difficult for antibiotics to reach and eliminate the infection. By breaking down biofilm, NAC enhances the effectiveness of Bartonella treatments, making it easier for the body to fight off the infection.

Probiotics for Treatment of Bartonella

Probiotics are live microorganisms, like bacteria and yeasts, that can provide health benefits when adequately consumed. They are often found in supplements and fermented foods like yogurt, sauerkraut, and kimchi. A healthy gut microbiome, the community of microorganisms living in the digestive system, is crucial for immune function and overall health. An imbalance in the gut microbiome can negatively impact the immune system, making it harder for the body to fight off infections like Bartonella. Probiotics restore the balance to the gut microbiome by introducing beneficial bacteria that can support the immune system, improve digestion, and reduce inflammation. By promoting a diverse and robust gut microbiome, probiotics can indirectly support the body's ability to combat Bartonella infection.

Curcumin (Tumeric) for Treatment of Bartonella

Curcumin, the orange-yellow component in turmeric and curry powder, is renowned for its inflammation-reducing properties. Over the years, researchers have found that curcumin can influence various immune cells, like T cells and B cells, while also decreasing inflammation-triggering substances, likely by deactivating a specific factor called NF-kappaB. Intriguingly, curcumin can even enhance the body's antibody production in low doses. Curcumin's effect on the immune system implies that it could be beneficial in addressing numerous health concerns, such as arthritis, allergies, heart disease, and Alzheimer's. Though there's no direct evidence for curcumin's effectiveness in treating Bartonella specifically, its immune system modulation and inflammation reduction may help alleviate Bartonella-related symptoms.

Complementary and Integrative Medicine for Bartonella

The following complementary and integrative techniques can also be beneficial for Bartonella treatment:

Acupuncture for Bartonella

Acupuncture is a TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) technique that involves inserting small needles into certain points throughout body to stimulate energy flow and promote healing. While there have been a limited amount of controlled investigations examining the effectiveness of acupuncture, growing clinical data indicates that electroacupuncture therapy is beneficial for a range of immune-related conditions, such as allergies, infections, autoimmune disorders, and immunodeficiency syndromes. Of the many acupuncture points, research has shown that ST36 (Zusanli) is widely applied in immune-related diseases. Although there haven't been any targeted studies on treating Bartonella specifically, the increasing amount of research suggests that there could be potential assistance in addressing this infection, given its nature as a disease-causing agent.

Massage for Bartonella

Massage therapy manually manipulates soft body tissues that can enhance overall well-being. For those with Bartonella, it can help alleviate muscle and joint pain by promoting relaxation, increasing blood circulation, and reducing anxiety. Additionally, massage therapy may support immune function, which is essential in fighting off Bartonella infection.

Meditation and Mindfulness for Bartonella

Meditation and mindfulness are practices that can lead to reduced stress, improved emotional regulation, increased self-awareness, enhanced cognitive function, and greater resilience. These techniques can be particularly beneficial for individuals dealing with Bartonella as they help support the immune system by reducing stress, which negatively impacts immune function. By engaging in meditation and mindfulness exercises, patients can manage stress more effectively, leading to a more balanced immune response and potentially faster recovery.



While challenging to diagnose and treat, Bartonella infection can be effectively addressed through a combination of conventional and functional medicine approaches. By focusing on the root cause of the infection, supporting the immune system, reducing inflammation, and addressing co-infections, functional medicine practitioners can help patients regain control of their health. Nutrition, supplements, and complementary therapies all play a crucial role in this comprehensive approach to Bartonella treatment, ensuring that patients have the tools to overcome this pervasive and often stealthy infection.

The information provided is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult with your doctor or other qualified healthcare provider before taking any dietary supplement or making any changes to your diet or exercise routine.
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