Cheryl Burdette
CoFounder Precision Point Diagnostics
Cheryl Burdette, N.D. is the Director of Education and the Naturopathic Residency program at Progressive Medical. She directs an accredited Naturopathic residency program that is focused on Integrative Medicine and Nutritional Biochemistry. She is the founder and Educational Director of a functional laboratory, Dunwoody Labs, for which she designs clinical profiles and trains clinicians with utilization. She is the Research and Outreach director for Xymogen, an Inc.500 supplement company, and serves on their BOA. She also serves on an independent IRB giving feedback concerning various studies in integrated medicine. She wrote and designed the curriculum for Advanced Medicine’s Academy online certification program in Integrative Medicine. She has taught at the University of Bridgeport and is part of the faculty at the University of Miami, the first allopathic school to require Integrative Medicine training for MDs. She is also adjunct faculty at George Washington University, offering an MS in Integrative Medicine. She has synthesized her extensive background in teaching into an online classroom, Dr. Burdette’s Compendium, that provides extensive recordings and protocols in Integrative Medicine.