Lab Portal Updates ⚡️

We’re constantly improving Rupa.

Custom Settings Added To Rupa
July 12, 2021

We know that it’s a goal of yours to customize care for your patients. So... we wanted to help make Rupa more customized to you!

Introducing custom settings!

With custom settings, you can automatically release results to patients, create & edit custom bundles, add & manage your team members, set preferred phlebotomists, and more all in one place!

The new settings sidebar

Automatically release results to patients

If you want patients to see their test results at the same time as you, simply toggle this feature “on”. Patients will receive an e-mail with their test results as soon as they are available in Rupa.

If you want to review the patient’s results in advance, no problem! This feature is set to “off” by default.

Create & edit custom bundles

With custom bundles, you can create, save, and name any lab test bundle of your choosing from multiple lab providers for easy one-click ordering.

Now, you can access & edit bundles right in your settings, in addition to creating them when starting a new order. More choices for whichever way you prefer!

Add & manage your team members

If you’re in a practice or clinic with either multiple practitioners or staff members, you can easily manage who has access to your Rupa account. In this screen, you can:

  • Get an overview of who has access to your Rupa account
  • Invite a new team member
  • Request that Rupa update or remove a team member

Set your preferred phlebotomist

Since many of our practitioners order labs with a blood draw requirement, we want to make sure you and your patients’ phlebotomy experience is as simple and as easy as possible.

Whether you prefer to send your patients to a specific phlebotomist, a blood draw center, or have it done in your office, you can manage that all here! Based on the preferences you set, we’ll send a custom e-mail to your patients every time you order a blood draw lab that tells them where to go, the cost, and any custom instructions you want to send.

Ready to start customizing your Rupa experience? Login to Rupa and select “settings” on the left-hand side to get started!

More Recent Updates

Physician Services
October 27, 2022

Introducing Rupa Physician Services

With Rupa Physician Services, your clients can get testing from 3000+ lab tests through a signing physician. You can recommend testing, be a part of your client's journey, and stay in the loop with all order updates & results via your Rupa portal.

Who is it for?

How does it work?

  • There is a 1-time Application Process to add Physician Services to your Rupa account
  • Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis 
  • You can choose to use Physician Services each time you start an order. You can always defer to your own existing order access.

Physician Services is designed to add value to your client's health journey and help them live their healthiest lives. We're so excited to be able to offer your practice this service.

Ready? Add Physician Services to your account.

Downloadable, Pre-Filled Superbills for Patients
September 21, 2022

Rupa Health is on a mission to make lab testing more affordable and accessible. To help get there, we’ve made submitting claims to insurance that much easier for your patients.

We’re excited to announce that patients will now receive a pre-filled Superbill for every patient pay order!

While creating an order, you can select ICD-10 diagnosis code(s) that will then appear in the Superbill provided to your patient. This way your patient will no longer have to reach out to you to obtain these codes!

What will your patient see?

Once an order is fully paid, patients will be able to download an itemized receipt and corresponding Superbill. Patients will also always have access to a blank Superbill template and instructions to complete it.

Example Superbill!

A Superbill is an itemized receipt of services a patient can submit to insurance after payment and services have been performed. The Superbill provided to patients is intended for reference only. Nothing in this document is intended to serve as reimbursement advice, a guarantee of coverage, or a guarantee of payment for lab testing. Patients should refer to their applicable payer policies for more specific guidance; all coverage decisions are up to the insurance provider.

View Your Lab Ordering Access
August 24, 2022

On Rupa, we provide our practitioners with access to 30+ unique lab companies! Lab ordering access is determined by each individual lab company according to your state and license. Now, you can easily view which labs you have access to directly within your Rupa portal. If you work in a clinic with multiple practitioners, you can also view the ordering access for each practitioner.

Even better, you can view the health categories and specialties each lab is best known for.

Take a look at your ordering access, and see which of our 30+ labs you can start ordering from today!

Commonwealth Diagnostics: Rupa's Newest Lab Partner!
August 18, 2022

We are thrilled to announce that Commonwealth Diagnostics International, Inc. (CDI) is our newest lab partner on Rupa! 

CDI is a CLIA-certified laboratory that helps providers identify and diagnose common sources of digestive distress and functional gastrointestinal ailments. CDI’s at-home breath test kits for SIBO, IMO, and carbohydrate malabsorption expedite treatment plans with precise and timely results from experienced lab staff. Their diagnostic products and solutions support meaningful GI health outcomes and are quick, easy to use, and safe for patients. Welcome, CDI!

On Rupa, it takes 2-3 clicks and no more than 60 seconds to place an order. And even better? All of your results, from all of your lab companies, appear in one place. We’ll also handle all your patient & lab logistics, issues, and questions.

Get started here! Order Commonwealth Diagnostics International on Rupa.

Lab Test Comparisons
July 20, 2022

To help you choose the best test for your patients, we’ve built lab test comparisons!

Select any lab tests to compare up to 18 key characteristics between them. Discover your new favorite tests by comparing things like:  

  • Pricing & any additional fees
  • Sample Type
  • Methods used for processing
  • Sample Report
  • Shipping time & carrier
  • Sample collection prep time
  • Consult Availability
  • Certifications
  • Biomarkers

And many more!

You also have the ability to copy & share a link to your comparisons to anyone inside or outside of Rupa!

Check out these example comparisons, and be sure to let us know what you think!

Include your own fees in lab orders on Rupa! (Think: Lab interpretation, follow-up visit, phlebotomy fees, and more!)
July 19, 2022

Here at Rupa, our goal is to streamline your clinic’s workflow so you can focus on what matters: patient care. We’ve launched a new feature that will allow you to streamline your billing process.

You can now add your own fee directly to lab orders through Rupa! You can include things like your interpretation fee, follow-up appointment, phlebotomy fee or more, and Rupa will pay you out.

Step 1: Connect your Stripe account & set your default name and amount (you'll be able to edit this per order!)

Step 2: Your patient pays Rupa for the testing + your fee all at once. You’re paid out once your patient’s results are in!

Turn this on in settings today!

See a breakdown of your ordered tests from the Dashboard
July 8, 2022

Now, you can see a breakdown of your ordered tests within the order, right from your patient dashboard! Without needing to click through pages, quickly:

  • View Sample Statuses
  • Schedule Consults
  • Download Results
  • And more!

To view all patient orders and Order Events, simply click Order Details.

Stay tuned for more improvements coming soon!

Now on Rupa: Realtime Laboratories
June 23, 2022

Rupa is welcoming RealTime Laboratories as our latest lab partner! 

RealTime Laboratories is a CLIA-certified and CAP-accredited lab specializing in mold and mycotoxin testing. Their flagship profile, the Total Mycotoxin Panel, provides a comprehensive analysis of 16 of the most common and toxic mycotoxins produced by indoor mold components. 

On Rupa, we make lab ordering easy. It's free to sign up, and takes no more than 60 seconds to place your first order. All of your results, from all of your lab companies, appear in one place. We’ll also handle all of your patient & lab logistics, issues, and questions.

Get started here! Order RealTime Laboratories on Rupa.

Resend patient invoice reminders, instructions, and lab test kits!
June 15, 2022

Missed an email from us? Dog ate the lab test kit? Sometimes we need to resend things, we get it!

We want you to know how and when we're communicating with your patients, at all times. We also want you to have control to resend information or lab test kits, when needed.

Introducing Order Events on Rupa!

We updated your Order Details View to include detailed Order Events so you can better track the progress of your orders.

Now, you can view the exact date when an order is paid for, a kit is shipped, instructions are sent, and results are in.

You can also 

  • Resend patient invoices 
  • Resend lab testing instructions 
  • Resend a new lab test kit

At Rupa, we’re here to empower you in your practice. That means creating a patient experience that works best for you and your clients. Let us know what you'd like to see next! 

Start Ordering on Rupa today

Gemelli Biotech is Rupa's newest lab!
June 9, 2022

Gemelli Biotech is now on Rupa as our latest lab partner! 

Gemelli Biotech’s trio-smart test is the only breath test that measures hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen, and methane. The trio-smart uses a proprietary sealed breath collection system for more accurate sample collection and has a more precise gas measurement device, significantly reducing the risk of false positives and false negatives.

Gemelli Biotech partners closely with the Medically Associated Science and Technology (MAST) program at Cedars-Sinai in Los Angeles. 

Welcome, Gemelli Biotech! 

On Rupa, it takes 2-3 clicks and no more than 60 seconds to place an order. And even better? All of your results, from all of your lab companies, appear in one place. We’ll also handle all your patient & lab logistics, issues, and questions.

Get started here! Order Gemelli Biotech on Rupa.

We love hearing from you!

If you have any feedback, feature requests, or ideas for how we can improve, please let us know. The best way for us to learn is directly from our users. 💛

Shoot us an email